Source code for acdcli.api.metadata

"""Node metadata operations"""

import json
import logging
import http.client
import tempfile
from collections import namedtuple

from .common import *

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ChangeSet = namedtuple('Changes', ['nodes', 'purged_nodes', 'checkpoint', 'reset'])

[docs]class MetadataMixin(object):
[docs] def get_node_list(self, **params) -> list: """:param params: may include tempLink='True'""" return self.BOReq.paginated_get(self.metadata_url + 'nodes', params)
[docs] def get_file_list(self) -> list: return self.get_node_list(filters='kind:FILE')
[docs] def get_folder_list(self) -> list: return self.get_node_list(filters='kind:FOLDER')
[docs] def get_asset_list(self) -> list: return self.get_node_list(filters='kind:ASSET')
[docs] def get_trashed_folders(self) -> list: return self.get_node_list(filters='status:TRASH AND kind:FOLDER')
[docs] def get_trashed_files(self) -> list: return self.get_node_list(filters='status:TRASH AND kind:FILE')
[docs] def get_changes(self, checkpoint='', include_purged=False, silent=True, file=None): """Writes changes into a (temporary) file. See `<>`_. """'Getting changes with checkpoint "%s".' % checkpoint) body = {} if checkpoint: body['checkpoint'] = checkpoint if include_purged: body['includePurged'] = 'true' r = + 'changes', data=json.dumps(body), stream=True) if r.status_code not in OK_CODES: r.close() raise RequestError(r.status_code, r.text) if file: tmp = open(file, 'w+b') else: tmp = tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+b') try: for line in r.iter_lines(chunk_size=10 * 1024 ** 2, decode_unicode=False): if line: tmp.write(line + b'\n') if not silent: print('.', end='', flush=True) if not silent: print() except (http.client.IncompleteRead, requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError) as e: raise RequestError(RequestError.CODE.INCOMPLETE_RESULT, '[acd_api] reading changes terminated prematurely.') except: raise finally: r.close() return tmp
@staticmethod def _iter_changes_lines(f) -> 'Generator[ChangeSet]': """Generates a ChangeSet per line in passed file the expected return format should be: {"checkpoint": str, "reset": bool, "nodes": []} {"checkpoint": str, "reset": false, "nodes": []} {"end": true} :arg f: opened file with current position at the beginning of a changeset :throws: RequestError """ end = False pages = -1 while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break reset = False pages += 1 nodes = [] purged_nodes = [] try: o = json.loads(line.decode('utf-8')) except ValueError: raise RequestError(RequestError.CODE.INCOMPLETE_RESULT, '[acd_api] Invalid JSON in change set, page %i.' % pages) try: if o['end']: end = True continue except KeyError: pass if o['reset']:'Found "reset" tag in changes.') reset = True # could this actually happen? if o['statusCode'] not in OK_CODES: raise RequestError(RequestError.CODE.FAILED_SUBREQUEST, '[acd_api] Partial failure in change request.') for node in o['nodes']: if node['status'] == 'PURGED': purged_nodes.append(node['id']) else: nodes.append(node) checkpoint = o['checkpoint'] logger.debug('Checkpoint: %s' % checkpoint) yield ChangeSet(nodes, purged_nodes, checkpoint, reset)'%i page(s) in changes.' % pages) if not end: logger.warning('End of change request not reached.')
[docs] def get_metadata(self, node_id: str, assets=False, temp_link=True) -> dict: """Gets a node's metadata. :arg assets: also include asset info (e.g. thumbnails) if the node is a file :arg temp_link: include a temporary download link if the node is a file """ params = {'tempLink': 'true' if temp_link else 'false', 'asset': 'ALL' if assets else 'NONE'} r = self.BOReq.get(self.metadata_url + 'nodes/' + node_id, params=params) if r.status_code not in OK_CODES: raise RequestError(r.status_code, r.text) return r.json()
# this will increment the node's version attribute
[docs] def update_metadata(self, node_id: str, properties: dict) -> dict: """Update a node's properties like name, description, status, parents, ...""" body = json.dumps(properties) r = self.BOReq.patch(self.metadata_url + 'nodes/' + node_id, data=body) if r.status_code not in OK_CODES: raise RequestError(r.status_code, r.text) return r.json()
[docs] def get_root_id(self) -> str: """Gets the ID of the root node :returns: the topmost folder id""" params = {'filters': 'isRoot:true'} r = self.BOReq.get(self.metadata_url + 'nodes', params=params) if r.status_code not in OK_CODES: raise RequestError(r.status_code, r.text) data = r.json() if 'id' in data['data'][0]: return data['data'][0]['id']
[docs] def list_children(self, node_id: str) -> list: l = self.BOReq.paginated_get(self.metadata_url + 'nodes/' + node_id + '/children') return l
[docs] def add_child(self, parent_id: str, child_id: str) -> dict: """Adds node with ID *child_id* to folder with ID *parent_id*. :returns: updated child node dict""" r = self.BOReq.put(self.metadata_url + 'nodes/' + parent_id + '/children/' + child_id) if r.status_code not in OK_CODES: logger.error('Adding child failed.') raise RequestError(r.status_code, r.text) return r.json()
[docs] def remove_child(self, parent_id: str, child_id: str) -> dict: """:returns: updated child node dict""" r = self.BOReq.delete( self.metadata_url + 'nodes/' + parent_id + "/children/" + child_id) # contrary to response code stated in API doc (202 ACCEPTED) if r.status_code not in OK_CODES: logger.error('Removing child failed.') raise RequestError(r.status_code, r.text) return r.json()
[docs] def move_node_from(self, node_id: str, old_parent_id: str, new_parent_id: str) -> dict: """Moves node with given ID from old parent to new parent. Not tested with multi-parent nodes. :returns: changed node dict""" data = {'fromParent': old_parent_id, 'childId': node_id} r = + 'nodes/' + new_parent_id + '/children', data=json.dumps(data)) if r.status_code not in OK_CODES: raise RequestError(r.status_code, r.text) return r.json()
[docs] def move_node(self, node_id: str, parent_id: str) -> dict: return self.update_metadata(node_id, {'parents': [parent_id]})
[docs] def rename_node(self, node_id: str, new_name: str) -> dict: properties = {'name': new_name} return self.update_metadata(node_id, properties)
[docs] def set_available(self, node_id: str) -> dict: """Sets node status from 'PENDING' to 'AVAILABLE'.""" properties = {'status': 'AVAILABLE'} return self.update_metadata(node_id, properties)
[docs] def get_owner_id(self): """Provisional function for retrieving the security profile's name, a.k.a. owner id.""" node = self.create_file('acd_cli_get_owner_id') self.move_to_trash(node['id']) return node['createdBy']
[docs] def list_properties(self, node_id: str, owner_id: str) -> dict: """This will always return an empty dict if the accessor is not the owner. :param owner_id: owner ID (return status 404 if empty)""" r = self.BOReq.get(self.metadata_url + 'nodes/' + node_id + '/properties/' + owner_id) if r.status_code not in OK_CODES: raise RequestError(r.status_code, r.text) return r.json()['data']
[docs] def add_property(self, node_id: str, owner_id: str, key: str, value: str) -> dict: """Adds or overwrites *key* property with *content*. Maximum number of keys per owner is 10. :param value: string of length <= 500 :raises: RequestError: 404, <UnknownOperationException/> if owner is empty RequestError: 400, {...} if maximum of allowed properties is reached :returns dict: {'key': '<KEY>', 'location': '<NODE_ADDRESS>/properties/<OWNER_ID/<KEY>', 'value': '<VALUE>'}""" ok_codes = [] r = self.BOReq.put(self.metadata_url + 'nodes/' + node_id + '/properties/' + owner_id + '/' + key, data=json.dumps({'value': value}), acc_codes=ok_codes) if r.status_code not in ok_codes: raise RequestError(r.status_code, r.text) return r.json()
[docs] def delete_property(self, node_id: str, owner_id: str, key: str): """Deletes *key* property from node with ID *node_id*.""" ok_codes = [] r = self.BOReq.delete(self.metadata_url + 'nodes/' + node_id + '/properties/' + owner_id + '/' + key, acc_codes=ok_codes) if r.status_code not in ok_codes: raise RequestError(r.status_code, r.text)
[docs] def delete_properties(self, node_id: str, owner_id: str): """Deletes all of the owner's properties. Uses multiple requests.""" ok_codes = [] prop_dict = self.list_properties(node_id, owner_id) for key in prop_dict: r = self.BOReq.delete('%s/nodes/%s/properties/%s/%s' % (self.metadata_url, node_id, owner_id, key), acc_codes=ok_codes) if r.status_code not in ok_codes: raise RequestError(r.status_code, r.text)