Source code for acdcli.cache.format

Formatters for query Bundle iterables. Capable of ANSI-type coloring using colors defined in

import os
import sys
import datetime

from .cursors import cursor

    colors = filter(None, os.environ.get('LS_COLORS', '').split(':'))
    colors = dict(c.split('=') for c in colors)
    # colors is now a mapping of 'type': 'color code' or '*.ext' : 'color code'
    colors = {}

seq_tpl = '\x1B[%sm'
res = seq_tpl % colors.get('rs', '')  # reset code
dir_fmt = seq_tpl % colors.get('di', '') + '%s' + res  # dir text
nor_fmt = seq_tpl % colors.get('no', '') + '%s' + res  # 'normal' colored text

ColorMode = dict(auto=0, always=1, never=2)

[docs]def init(color=ColorMode['auto']): """Disables pre-initialized coloring if never mode specified or stdout is a tty. :param color: the color mode to use, defaults to auto""" # TODO: fix tty detection if color == ColorMode['never'] \ or not res \ or (color == ColorMode['auto'] and not sys.__stdout__.isatty()): global get_adfixes, color_path, color_status, seq_tpl, nor_fmt get_adfixes = lambda _: ('', '') color_path = lambda x: x color_status = lambda x: x[0] seq_tpl = '%s' nor_fmt = '%s'
[docs]def color_file(name: str) -> str: """Colorizes a file name according to its file ending.""" parts = name.split('.') if len(parts) > 1: ext = parts.pop() code = colors.get('*.' + ext) if code: return seq_tpl % code + name + res return nor_fmt % name
[docs]def color_path(path: str) -> str: """Colorizes a path string.""" segments = path.split('/') path_segments = [dir_fmt % s for s in segments[:-1]] last_seg = segments[-1] if segments[-1:] else '' file_seg = color_file(last_seg) return '/'.join(path_segments + [file_seg])
[docs]def color_status(status): """Creates a colored one-character status abbreviation.""" if status == 'AVAILABLE': return seq_tpl % '32' + status[0] + res # green elif status == 'TRASH': return seq_tpl % '31' + status[0] + res # red return status[0]
[docs]def date_str(time_: datetime.datetime) -> str: """Creates colored date string similar to the one in ls -l.""" if time_.year == last_seg = str(time_.year).rjust(5) else: last_seg = '{0.hour:02}:{0.minute:02}'.format(time_) return nor_fmt % ('{0:%b} %s %s'.format(time_) % (str(, last_seg))
[docs]class FormatterMixin(object):
[docs] def file_entry(self, file, long=False, size_bytes=False) -> str: return '[{}] [{}] {}{}{}'.format( nor_fmt %, color_status(file.status), (self.size_nlink_str(file, size_bytes=size_bytes) + ' ') if long else '', (date_str(file.modified) + ' ') if long else '', color_path( )
[docs] def ls_format(self, folder_id, folder_path=None, recursive=False, trash_only=False, trashed_children=False, long=False, size_bytes=False) -> 'Generator[str]': if folder_path is None: folder_path = [] if trash_only: folders, files = self.list_trashed_children(folder_id) else: folders, files = self.list_children(folder_id, trashed_children) if recursive: for file in files: yield self.file_entry(file, long, size_bytes) if files and folders: yield '' is_first = True for folder in folders: children = self.num_children( if recursive and not is_first and children > 0: yield '' yield '[{}] [{}] {}{}{}{}'.format( nor_fmt %, color_status(folder.status), (self.size_nlink_str(folder, size_bytes=size_bytes) + ' ') if long else '', (date_str(folder.modified) + ' ') if long else '', color_path('/'.join(folder_path) + '/') if folder_path else '', color_path( + '/') ) is_first = False if recursive: for n in self.ls_format(, [f for f in folder_path] + [], recursive, False, trashed_children, long, size_bytes): yield n if not recursive: for file in files: yield self.file_entry(file, long, size_bytes)
[docs] def tree_format(self, node, path, trash=False, dir_only=False, depth=0, max_depth=None) -> 'Generator[str]': """A simple tree formatter that indicates parentship by indentation (i.e. does not display graphical branches like :program:`tree`).""" indent = ' ' * 4 * depth yield indent + color_path(node.simple_name) if max_depth is not None and depth >= max_depth: return indent += ' ' * 4 folders, files = self.list_children(, trash) for folder in folders: for line in self.tree_format(folder, '', trash, dir_only, depth + 1, max_depth): yield line if not dir_only: for file in files: yield indent + color_path(file.simple_name)
[docs] def id_format(nodes) -> 'Generator[str]': for node in nodes: yield
[docs] def long_id_format(self, nodes) -> 'Generator[str]': for node in nodes: path = self.first_path( yield '[{}] [{}] {}{}'.format( nor_fmt %, color_status(node.status), color_path(path), color_path(node.simple_name) )
[docs] def path_format(self, nodes): for node in nodes: yield self.first_path( +