Source code for acdcli.plugins.template

This is a template that you can use for adding custom plugins.

from . import *

[docs]class TestPlugin(Plugin): MIN_VERSION = '0.3.1' @classmethod
[docs] def attach(cls, subparsers: argparse.ArgumentParser, log: list, **kwargs): """ Attaches this plugin to the top-level argparse subparser group :param subparsers the action subparser group :param log a list to put initialization log messages in """ p = subparsers.add_parser('test', add_help=False) p.add_argument('--silent', action='store_true', default=False) p.set_defaults(func=cls.action) log.append(str(cls) + ' attached.')
[docs] def action(cls, args: argparse.Namespace) -> int: """ This is where the magic happens. Return a zero for success, a non-zero int for failure. """ if not args.silent: print('This plugin works.') # args.cache.do_something() # args.acd_client.do_something() return 0